
A keen and qualified Salesforce Partner

Rely on Fleverage to unlock the full potential of Salesforce and transform your CRM into a powerhouse of productivity, exploiting any functionalities of the platform.

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Business Digitization. Streamline departments' operations.

From Sales to Customer Service, passing through Marketing and Human Resources, using Salesforce to digitize business departments means creating structured processes prone to be monitored and improved during time.

Process Automation. Minimize manual data entry.

Standardizing and automating internal processes makes it possible to reduce inefficiencies, costs and errors, generating clean and consistent data sets over time, useful to individuate and analyze operational, economical and financial trends.

Systems Integration. Found an interconnected organization.

Build solid and effective integrations drawing on the wide pool of integration tools available for Salesforce to communicate with any type of technology on the market.

Platform Customization. Meet unique and specific needs.

An open and widely adopted technological standard like Salesforce simplifies the development of ad-hoc customized solutions and their subsequent maintenance and improvement